I have been a bit of a sockamaniac for a while, but have only recently joined
Sockamania a fun Knitalong ("KAL") hosted by
Anni. Each month Anni provides, gratis, an original sock pattern and those who finish by the end of the month are entered into a drawing for sock yarn. How cool is that? It will be close but, I'm afraid, I probably.....
won't be finished by the end of the month. Here's where I'm at:

This is a really great cable pattern and while I'll (probably) be a late finisher, my real goal with this KAL is to use some of my accumulated sock yarn stash (so I can buy more - yeah!). I'm using Sundara's sock yarn (petal's collection) and US 2 Needles. This sock is an absolutely perfect fit for Steve and he's
very pleased that this pair will be his (slight jealousy issues with Mr. Puffy).
Why do I knit socks, you wonder? Only someone who hasn't worn a pair of handknit socks could possibly wonder that! I consider handknit socks one of "life's small pleasures" in the same category as a good cup of tea and a box of chocolates. And, while I haven't exactly been a prolific sock knitter, I have knit a dozen or so pairs and here is one of my favorites:
Yarn: Lornas Laces - US 1 Needles
Free Pattern: Dublin Bay Socks ~Compliments of Mossy Cottage ~