The conventional thinking is that lace shawls should be knit in a solid colored yarn. But knitting in a solid color is boring so go ahead and use a variegated color.
What if the pattern recommends a sport weight yarn? Why limit yourself. If you find a yarn you like in a different weight go ahead and try it. I'm using a worsted weight yarn; I always say in for a penny in for a pound.
Most people will tell you that lace shawls should be heavily blocked to emphasis the pattern. But, meh, why? I lightly blocked this pattern and saved the heavy block for the top to extend the top width. Personally I think heavily blocked shawls tend to look a tad old fashioned.
Finally, while it's not conventional to substitute a different textured yarn for the bind off but I substituted a yarn that is both different in color and texture for the bind off and I think it gives this shawl that little something extra.
The result is a shawl uniquely my own with a slightly Goth feel and I am not displeased. Now all I need is a dark moody novel to curl up with. Suggestions anyone?
Particulars: Shaelyn Shawl by Leila Raabe; 3 skeins Jade Sapphire 6 ply cashmere (20 grams left over) and a small amount of Noro Retro for the bind off; US 9 circular needles. Modifications: none other than yarn weight substitution. I followed the pattern alternate version to purl 2 together instead of knit 2 together in all lace section. For the loose BO I used my favorite BO which is k 2 transfer those 2 stitches back to left needle and k2TB then k1 repeating until last stitch.
Wet Felting Flowers
I wet felted a flower specifically to match this shawl and I like it worn this way too. For the flower I used the tutorial for flower making by Ingermaaike sold in her Etsy shop.
Until next time, be well and love well and enjoy the change in season. Wrap yourself in a cozy shawl and go out and experience all the wonderful colors, flavors and decorations that make this such a fun and special time of year!