I've just returned from a couple of fun days visiting my parents in Santa Barbara where we shared lots of laughs and cups of tea and even a roaring afternoon fire to chase away the chilly afternoon weather!
Fortunately, despite the coolness to the air the days were sunny and perfect for picture taking!

This is my Mom wearing her newly finished vintage cardigan. She used Rowan Classic
Cashsoft and has nothing but good things to say about this yarn and, considering the number of froggings (i..e. unraveling and starting over) I must say, I too, was impressed with how well this yarn held up. Bearing in mind the multiple albeit minor
frogging episodes it should come as no surprise that I can not tell you the name of this pattern as, apparently, my mother felt it was not well written and has thrown it away....
I also took this opportunity to snap a few pictures of the Coromandel Capelet that I gave to my Mom. It is a pattern written by Mel Clark who used to own a LYS in Santa Monica, CA (the same Mel Clark who wrote
Knit2Together a pattern book from which I have knit several patterns including the Rowena Cardigan
ravelry link and the felted House Slippers
ravelry link both of which I am very happy with).

For the Capelet I used Jaeger Extra Fine Merino which is now discontinued, much to my disappointment. If you find any on the clearance shelves snap it up! This pattern was designed for Rowan Wool Cotton (US 5 needles/5 skeins) and I think might actually be nicer in that yarn using a bright shade with a tie closure - similar to the store sample that sold me on the pattern to begin with. As an aside, that's one reason I really enjoy visiting a knitting store as often I find that the store samples are so cute I have to knit them for myself!
Notice the copious quantities of oranges in the background. My Dad grows the most juicy and sweet oranges in the whole wide world and I came home with a whole sack full!

But so much for vintage - my mother is ready for a something
easier to follow more modern. She has settled on this Sirdar pattern which I think is a good choice. So, sitting amidst her 12 balls of Debbie Bliss DK yarn she is happily starting on another sweater. I'm sure it will look beautiful on her.
It seems you come from a talented family. I'm sure it's wonderful to be able to share your knitting passion with your mother and to make things for her. One of the things that I regret about only recently becoming a fiber arts enthusiast is that my mother is now gone and I can't make things for her. She spent five years in a wheelchair in a nursing home, and she loved and depended on the little lap blankets that I bought for her. She would have loved it even more if I had made them for her because she definitely appreciated handmade items and the thoughtfulness that goes in them.
I'm glad you had a good visit and the oranges and pretty patio look very nice to those of us who just now have buds appearing on the trees.
So knitting talent runs in the family! I also have to say how wonderful that you can share this with your mom! Both her sweater and her cape are absolutely gorgeous.
Your mom looks beautiful in both the sweater and the capelet! I envy you, still having your mother around to visit. Give her a hug for me next time you see her.
Fresh oranges - now I am really jealous!
BTW, I just tagged you for a meme, but only if you feel like doing it. :-)
Oh, wow, those oranges in the background look fantastic on the tree. I can't imagine how they taste, when being able to grow ripe and be plucked and eaten right away. Besides, one who loves the color orange and green, just have to love this combination.
Beautiful photos of your mom, and the sweater/capelet. That's something I should make myself. I never get a sweater for me done. I'm glad your mom liked the Cashsoft, and that it held up so nicely.
Your mother is certainly a beautiful knitter. Love the cardi and the capelet looks beautiful too. Cant wait to see the next project.
I totally concur with the other commentors ... I think it's great that the knitting bug runs in your family and that you and your mom are able to share this. Enjoy it!
Oh, what lovely oranges... I hope your mother sometimes sits out there and knits and enjoys that lovely view.
The knits are impressive too. Clearly, beauty and knitting goodness run in your genes.
Your mother looks wonderful in her cardigan and capelett! I can't believe that she persevered through the cardigan's directions if they were giving her so much trouble. Truly, she has more patience than I. I would have scrapped the whole thing.
Lucky you to come home with fresh oranges!
Beautiful! Your mom is talented also. Love the yard, I am envious of your Dad's green thumb! The oranges look yummy.
Happy Easter
Your mom is awesome! The vintage cardi turned out beautifully (even if she did think the pattern was poorly written! :) ) -- the knitting skills obviously run in the family. The capelet is also gorgeous!
Wonderful knits and beautiful model!
That's so great that your mother knits. Something the two of you can enjoy together.
I am jealous of that orange tree!!
I love that Capelet and your mom looks so pretty in it!
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