I'm primarily a Knitter, but I also enjoying mixing things up and, lately, I have been experimenting with embroidery and wool felt. I'm pleased with the result and so am passing along to you this cute project idea, which is easy and satisfying no matter how meager or vast is your experience with embroidery.
Pictured above is a small brooch that I embroidered on wool felt. The idea (and "know how") to make this brooch came from Tiny Happy who has a talent for beautiful free style embroidery, mostly inspired from nature. She simply plucks and pillages small bits of foliage from her garden which then becomes the model for her designs.
Following her lead, I set about finding my own inspiration to make a brooch.... which led to Steve wanting to know why I was taking pictures of weeds. I patiently explained that these were not weeds, they were my inspiration!
I'm sure if you look at the picture below, and then compare it to the photo above of my brooch, you will see with what talent I captured these weeds, ahem, flowers. You don't have to say it. I know you can. Because this was my first brooch, I went with a simple design (as recommended by Tiny Happy) and used a combination of running stitch and french knot. I've enjoyed wearing it several times and have since then made several more brooches of different designs and colors that I like equally well!

You'll naturally want one for yourself, but I think they also make cute gifts. With the fast approaching holiday season it's always a good idea to have a few small gifts items on hand for teachers, neighbors or hostesses or for simply whenever the mood strikes you to make someone smile! If sewing isn't your thing, the washcloth shown above takes just minutes to knit and, along with a nice bar of soap, is another quick gift idea.
The handmade bar of soap pictured is from Lizzy Lane Farm . I enjoy this blog which provides a glimpse into country life complete with chickens and a little girl named Daisy. She uses the money from her sales to pay for school books and I wish her every success. I'm sure that I'll buy more as I have thoroughly enjoy using this soap which is scented with roses and has small pieces of oatmeal for exfoliation and is not at all drying to my hands.

Steve and I thank you all for your well wishes and concern. Until next time, be well, love well, and happy crafting!
Mr. Puffy does look very well indeed which is great. The medicine must be doing wonders for him. I love your brooch, so pretty and those (weeds) flowers look very pretty too. I love reading Tiny Happy's blog and she does create some beautiful embroideries doesnt she. I cant wait to see what other wildflowers you embroider from your area too.
Love the broach..isn't it nice to spring off into something new once in awhile.
So glad Mr.Puffy is eating well and feeling fine...he's such a cutie.
Many blessings to all ...
Your brooch is beautiful! So glad Mr Puffy is doing well.
Go Puffy Go!! You are extraordinary :)
Give Mr. Puffy a hug for me. I'm glad he's doing well.
Mr Puffy looks great, and happy.
Love your broach, definitely want to try that and make up some more wash cloths. Homemade soaps are a favourite indulgence here, and terrific gift.
Be well give Mr. Puffy a pat from me. :)
You did that freehand? Egads, I love it! You're giving me ideas!
Love the washcloth too - maybe that's a good way to get me into trying knitting again.
ps - so glad to see Mr. Puffy looking so well and happy!
Yahoo for Mr. Puffy!! Love the brooch, it is so dainty and pretty. I think I need to try that myself when the sounds of the circular saw stops vibrating my walls. I can't even think, never mind embroider.
OK, I love the brooch, and thought this was a really great post with lots of links, BUT
... the very best part is the picture of Mr P looking like his usual happy self! Go Mr Puffy!
While I loved the brooch, seeing a happy Mr Puffy is the highlight of the post for me! Soldier on sweet pup.
so good to see Mr Puffy happy!! and wool felt...lovely brooch,Claudia!
I'm happy Mr. Puffy is doing well. I've never seen Tiny Happy's blog before -- she has some great inspirational ideas.
Beautiful broch! And I loved your photo of the "weeds". :)
So glad Mr. Puffy is doing well!!
The famous broach I've been hearing about! It's beautiful, Claudia! It is a very special addition to your wardrobe!
Warms my heart to see Mr. Puffy smiling so happily and enjoying the outdoors!
It's good to see he's doing so well! What a sweetie. :)
Oh, but what JOY to see Mr. Puffy looking sooo good (well he always looks good! ;o) and healthy...This has me smiling--just so glad he's doing so well. If he's eating, it's a sure sign he's well and happy! :o) LOVE the little brooch you've made--it is so sweet, I like how delicate the embroidery with the "chunkiness" of the felted wool. Thanks for links to the tutorial. Tiny Happy is a great blog--she makes beautiful things. Be keeping happy & well there :o) ((HUGS))
The brooch is just beautiful! You are definitely the most well-rounded knitter I know. Glad Mr Puffy is doing so well!!
Love the brooch, but I am so glad to see Mr. Puffy looking so happy and healthy!
Mr. Puffy is such a trooper!! He looks great!
Beautiful brooch, Claudia! It looks just like the flowers...what a great inspiration. Also, many, many thanks for the gift ideas. I will definitely be making some of those cooshy-looking washcloths this Christmas and the soap looks divine.
Just found your blog through Kelly at Celtic Cast On. I'm very glad I did! First a dog, I love dogs. My dogs are having a hay day today because they got to stay in the bedroom since it was raining and storming outside when I left for work.
Your broach is very cute, and I can definitely see the correlation between picture and broach.
I tried embroidery once. I have no imagination for it.
Good to see Mr Puffy looking very happy to be out and about. The brooch is just chic. Simple yet stylish
Just back from California (where we had chocolate chip pancakes and pomegranate juice at the Santa Monica Farmer's Market) and saw that heart-warming picture of Mr. Puffy looking so full of energy and savoir-faire! You must feel so happy for him!
Hi Ursula! I'm so pleased that you had another enjoyable visit to our local Farmer's Market.
You are so right, it brings tears to my eyes to see him doing so well. Before the medication began to work he was incontinent and did not even want to get up he felt so bad. He and I for a time moved downstairs so his accidents were easier to clean up. Only a very small percent (around 35%) will have his profound response to the medication. It is not a cure, but we do believe his tumor has shrunk and/or is no longer inflamed because he is continent through the night and at times tears about like a Puppy again.
Thank you for your nice note.
Mr Puffy looks happy and content. It's so good to see. I like that cloth and brooch!
I am very happy Mr. Puffy is doing so well! Good doggie.
I just love your pin! Between you and Alli of One Pearl Button, I'm determined to pick up my embroidery soon. It's been too long.
Glad to hear that Mr. Puffy is doing well and still smiling.
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