I'm wearing a mysterious stole because I have never met the person for whom it is destined. I knit this at the request of my dear Steve who wanted to give a special gift to a business acquaintance and couldn't think of a nicer gift than something handknit by me for the man's wife. I am touched that he would think so.
I chose to use Rowan Kidsilk Haze because I know it makes a fabulous wrap. I love all the previous shawls that I knit with this yarn (Birch, Dove, and Willow) and didn't even consider using anything else.
Wearing a cobweb stole puts me in a dreamy mood. They are so reminiscent of another time and another place.
Specs: Free Pattern ~ Anisette Stole; 2.5 skeins Rowan Kidsilk Haze; US 9 needles (Pony/rosewood); blocked dimensions: 62" x 23". You will need a very sharp point on your needles to knit this stole comfortably. Modified by only knitting 15 of the 18 repeats.
And Now A Mysterious Trip ~
Steve has business acquaintances all over the world and travels to some very mysterious locations. I won't even tell you where in the world this stole will eventually reside. But, it's safe to say it won't be in the United States.
The pictures below are taken on one of his recent trips to Tripoli Libya. Curiously these pictures remind me of the The Chronicals of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (in particular, The Silver Chair) which is set in a land filled with giants and other strange creatures such as marsh wiggles. I loved these stories as a child. As an adult, I have found his other writings strongly spiritual such as The Screwtape Letters which, although not nearly so delightful a read as his children's stories, does provoke the imagination.

Last week we had a wonderful visit with our friends, Edd and Martha who were visiting us from Seattle Washington. Thank heavens for good friends and may our paths cross again before too long!

I hope you will all have a wonderful week ahead you ~ and with this cooler weather upon us~ make time every day to enjoy a cup of tea!
Beautiful pics, I do love that stole. Funny I just purchase some of the kidsilk haze for a Rowan pattern shawl.
You do look like you should be on the "PBS Mystery" in that photo. Was it Mrs. Peacock in the Library with a dagger?
Wow. That is a beautiful stole!
I love the pictures, especially the "mysterious"ones. Is Steve a secret agent??? ;-)
What a beautiful stole! I'd never heard of kidsilk haze so I had to check it out....and now I'll have to ask for it at the yarn shop to see if they carry it.
And what a coincidence, I just sat down with a cup of tea!
Gorgeous stole and beautiful pictures. I was hoping against hope that I was the wife-recipient of your stole..and then I remembered I'm not married. Drat! Foiled again!
now,I do so love a good mystery...and this is wonderful...story and the stole!!
What a wonderful gift! The stole is so elegant looking. I hope you make one for yourself too.
I have some Kidsilk haze in my stash. This looks like a lovely first lace project for me and my new addi turbos. Thank you for the inspirations!!
Claudia, this is absolutely stunning! And how generous of you to knit this for someone you've never met. I do hope she cherishes it!
Wow- how nice of you. Knitting lace for someone you've never met. Does Steve know what a great wife he has?
And, it is gorgeous too!
Impressive. I too am a big fan of Kidsilk Haze. Even the dreamy cashmere version (different brand) I used last spring didn't sway me.
I too adore C S Lewis. The Narnia Chronicles were some of my first "big girl" reads a long time ago, and I still enjoy revisiting it. I've also read many of his adult spiritual works...
Oohhh - that is gorgeous. It will be treasured!
I'd never be able to give it away. It's much too beautiful! And I'd be so in love with it. You certainly should receive a Generous Knitter award!
Glad you had a fun visit. That is such a beautiful stole!!
When I saw the stole on ravelry, my eyes where drawn to it immediately. IT's beautiful and the pictures lovely. IT's always nice to meet with friends. I've had a taste of that. :o)
That stole is gorgeous, Claudia...and love the color...all very dreamy! :o) Wonderful photos and what a great story! Happy Days ((HUGS))
Gorgeous, Claudia! That will be a wonderful gift indeed (wherever in the world it goes!).
I *love* all of your mysterious poses, especially with the crystal ball! :)
The stole is a very beautiful and thoughtful gift.
Beautiful stole. I love how lace just blooms once it is all blocked and shaped...it looks all weird and squished when you knit it and all of a sudden the beautiful piece emerges. Someone will be most blessed with a wonderful gift.
The stole is stunning! I must say that I adore the edging the best.
I have never knit with Rowan kidsilk. It sounds heavenly though.
I am sure it will be treasured where ever it ends up.
That is a beautiful stole. Lucky recipient!
Beautiful shawl! The photos make me want to run out and buy some of the yarn and knit it! The photos look very mysterious.
How kind of you to knit such an industrious project for someone you don't even know. I'm sure Steve appreciates it.
I didn't realize he travels to such out-of-the-way places. Before Granddaddy Dawg retired his work took him all over the Middle East and parts of Africa. He'd combine the Africa trips with photo safaris.
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