Linda at You're History and Dances With Wool has kindly bestowed upon me this award. Thank you Linda - I'm quite flattered!
Here are the rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog;
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you;
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs;
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog; and
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
I believe I've mentioned in the past that I think these awards are a fun way to share new blogs with readers and highlight some of the many talented knitters that write blogs from all over the world. And, if I haven't, then I'm mentioning it now!
Here are some bloggers I have not mentioned in the past, but are part of my regular reads:
1. Kelly at Celtic Cast On. Kelly is an Irish girl who lives in Canada. She has been knitting since age 6 and is a very talented knitter. She lives in a rustic area with two dogs (one of whom is a German Shepherd who strongly reminds me of our Alex who passed away in 2001) and the pictures of her knitting and country side are always gorgeous!
2. Theresa at T Does Wool. Theresa lives in Chicago and is very much the city girl. Her taste in patterns and photos reflect her city lifestyle. Her writing can also be very humorous at times - a feature that I'm told my blog is missing. Things that make you go hum. I like to think my humor is subtle although I will conceed I'm not always on form.
3. Amanda at Joli House. Amanda lives in England. My mother is English and I have an affinity for all the English knitters out there. Amanda also happens to be a very talented knitter (who shares my taste in patterns - imagine that) with two gorgeous children and her blogging is a delight to follow.
4. Ally at Born to Read and Knit. When I popped over to Ally's blog I saw that she had already been nominated for this award - which confirms my good taste! Ally lives in Auckland, New Zealand has 4 children, pets, knits, reads, sews, and as a result has lots of interesting fodder for her blog!
5. Channon at Chan Knits. Channon lives in Virginia and is one of the few southern bloggers that have crossed my path. She writes about her family life, dogs, and knitting adventures - of which there are many! Channon is a delight and always has something new to share and is a great daily destination.
6. Sue at Knitter Sue. Sue lives in Australia with 2 children and lots and lots of pets! Sue is one of the more prolific knitters that I read and is currently on FO 32 for 2008 - wow. Many of the things that Sue knits are for babies and children, something that I don't do a lot of myself, so I find that she is a great resource for children's patterns.
7. Willow at Willow's Cottage. Williow lives practically in my backyard! She lives in Camarillo, California which is only about an hour from where I live. Willow has recently designed an aran sweater. Nuff said about her knitting skills. She is also very well traveled and her blog will take you to all sorts of interesting places!
When I told Mr Puffy about the award - he didn't say anything - but his smile said it all!

When visiting my parents, a typical day begins with my mother and I walking downtown to enjoy cakes and coffee and browsing through the shops. When we are ready to come home, my father kindly drives down to pick us up so we can enjoy a nap before afternoon tea! My Dad always brings Mr Puffy along in the car and seeing his little face in the window peering out looking for us is so cute to see.

In the evening we enjoy a glass of wine before we watch the evening news and a movie before bed.

As you can imagine, after a couple of days spent like this, I feel much the better for it.
Briefly, as Linda (Dances With Wool ) mentioned that she likes hearing about books that I'm reading, I'll share what I'm currently reading. Yesterday I picked up In the Company of Cheerful Ladies, the sixth book in a series of stories featuring Precious Ramotswe, a female detective living in Botswana, Africa. The author is Alexander McCall Smith who is well known for this enormously popular series that all began with The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. The stories are filled with the local color and flavor of Africa and the insights of Precious Ramotswe a charming and very down to earth woman. If you are looking for a good read this Summer, you might consider this series!
I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer. I, for one, look forward to the Fall with its cooler days and beautiful change in color!
Congratulations on the award! You definitely deserve it!
Congratulations on your award. How wonderful a description you gave to me about my blog too, I feel so honoured. I will have to take a read of a few new ones you mentioned there, and a few of those others are faves of mine too. How sweet a time you have with your parents, and I absolutely love beagles. Next time we buy a new doggy (not for a long time hopefully) I really want a beagle. They are so adorable.
I must selfishly admit that I love these awards going around as a way to learn of new blogs too :)
Bravo, thanks for letting us know about more great bloggers.
That cake your mom had, looks so delicious! What a nice way to spend your time with your parents. It all sounds so pleasant, if it weren't for all that sun! ;o)
Lovely picture of Mr. Puffy.
I've read the first book of this series. I've got it from my daughter last year. I didn't know there are six books already!
I'm going to get 15 books from the library, because when my son and husband are off to Australia, I'll be reading a lot! :o) Maybe they have more of this series in the library.
congrats on the award and thank you for passing it my way!
I'm off to check out all those other blogs I've never read before :)
*head rub for Mr. Puffy*
Yay for you! And thanks for some new blogs to check out, they sound pretty interesting.
I'm glad you had the chance to relax for a while - everyone should be able to do that occasionally.
No sense of humor? Huh. I thought you had a pretty good one ...
you have a sophisticated sense of humor-LOL all kidding aside...thanks for sending this my way...and congratulations-well,deserved!
Congrats on your award. Once again, you've added to my bloglines subscriptions! So many fab knitters out there- I love hearing about them.
Sounds like your time with the parents is perfect!
Congrats on your award, and I am humbled by the honor of receiving one from you! Mr Puffy is such a delight; that's a fantastic photo of him, but I do wish you'd snapped a shot of him watching you walk to the car in the afternoon. I'm glad you had a great visit with your parents. It sounds like a few nearly perfect days!
congrats on the award - well deserved!
looks like you are having a very relaxing summer - also well deserved!
Thanks for the great blog recommendations! Also -- I for one think you are very funny and that humor is certainly not lacking on your blog!
Congrats on the award and congrats to the other blogs you named. I have to check them out.
Your visit with your parents sounds so wonderful. As I read, I could invision your Dad & Mr Puffy out for a drive to pick-up you & your Mom. Do your parents have any pets? If I was to guess, I'd say no. I think that's why it's so special when Mr. Puffy visits.
I just finished reading "The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency". I have books 2 & 3 of the series too. I enjoyed book 1.
Thank you for the list of bloggers. I love to find new blogs to read.
Goodness, I could get used to your parent's routine. It sounds wonderful: relaxing and merry.
It would seem congratulations are in order, a well deserved award. Thank you so much for nominating me for an award. I am glad you had fun with you parents. I love the mornings. Coffee and cake sounds so delicious and decadent. What's on the needles?
Oh my gosh, I LOVE that series of books - I have every single one. I have not read the last one because I got busy with work and uni and life, but it is a long weekend this weekend and the sweetie is away climbing and I am going to dig up the book and read it. So happy you posted about that because it reminded me that I have not read it.
Wow! I am soooo flattered! Just got back from Scotland so will have a think and pass this on.
btw..read this book whilst away
I think both you and your mum would maybe like it. I loved it!
LOVE the photos of Mr. Puffy and your parents. Congratulations on your award. Chan passed it on to me, and, gasp, after many months I finally posted about one I'd let slip by. I like the habit of telling something about the blogs one passes an award on to. You had nice descriptions and I visited them all.
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