Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jolly Christmas Socks ~

This year I've stepped up early and have already begun my holiday decorating.  I sort of had to as we are going away for Christmas and if I didn't decorate early there wouldn't be any decorating at all. And where's the fun in that?  In general though, it is my preference to decorate closer to the holiday and then enjoy the decorations through New Year's Day. I'm old school that way.  And in probably lots of other ways as well.

So ho-ho-ho here I am wearing my Christmas Stockings.  That I absolutely love.  Unseemingly so, given my age. And in full candor they are knit in a light fingering yarn so probably won't wear well at all. What was I thinking?  I should know better than this.  But don't I look like a cute elf wearing them?

I did not use a pattern for these socks.  After my last post on being a self confessed "pattern hog" I felt the need to say that.  I simply used my favorite sock techniques to create these "so not your basic sock" socks.  When knitting with a hand dyed yarn it's all about knowing when to back off and let the yarn itself shine, jingle and two step into the limelight.  Anyone care to do-si-do?  No?  Perhaps after you've had a spiked eggnog or two. Shoes are optional. Especially when you have super cool socks on.

This is just a quick post because I'm hoping to have a Christmas post up before we leave on our Christmas break. But in case that doesn't happen (it requires delicate timing and participation by Steve) and I'm gone until after Christmas I wanted to leave you with a message that I hope will resonate with everyone everywhere no matter what side of the aisle or ocean you are on.  It's a wish for peace on earth and goodwill toward all mankind.

Particulars:  There is no pattern.  I simply used a combination of my favorite sock techniques.  I actually plan on writing up a sock pattern in the Spring so stayed tuned if you are a new sock knitter and are looking for a good basic sock pattern.  I used LYDIA sock yarn; 460 yrds/100g light fingering (75% merino /% nylon) in the colorway "Tis the Season," purchased with a mini contrasting green sock yarn.  I actually have 60 grams of the main color left over which is enough for another pair of socks so long as I use a contrasting cuff, heel, and toe yarn again.  I really enjoyed knitting with this yarn and colorway but recommend that you use a bright contrasting color as I did to bring it to life.

I love knitting socks and this blog abounds with them.  Here's some links to socks previously featured on the blog: Orzivals; Sock Love; Embossed Leaf; Cabled Rib Socks; Knee High Socks; Smaug; Ripple Effect; Kelmscott; Halloween Goth; Monkey Socks; Basket Weave Socks; Dublin Bay; Serpentine Socks; Bird of Paradise socks (featuring Mr. Puffy, bless his heart) and there are others too but this gives a good selection of different patterns.  Of these I believe the Dublin Bay and Orzival are free patterns.

Until next time be well, love well and have a jolly time decorating for the holidays!


  1. cuter than cute Claudia!!

  2. Adorable socks. Maybe next year I will try knitting a pair. Merry Christmas, Claudia

  3. Thank you Missy! Sweet of you to comment :)

  4. Thank you Mary Lynn and a very Merry Christmas to you too! The secret to knitting Christmas projects is to begin long before you think you need to :)

  5. I have never even tried to knit socks. A few years ago, I purchased needles and a book on knitting socks... don't even ask me where they are. That will be on my project list for 2017. Oh, and my Mother moved in with us a few weeks ago. Every time I pass my knitting bag, I hear a whimper from within. I smile and say, January. fingers crossed.

  6. Mary Lynn that is a big adjustment to have your mother living with you. But what a wonderful thing for both her and you and it's especially nice that she'll be there for the holidays! I also feel very lucky to still have my parents and be able to spend the holidays at home with them, although I go to their house. As far as knitting socks I think you will really love them. Just make sure the sock yarn you use is soft but has nylon to give it strength. My mom loves to wear handknit socks to bed and then if she has to get up in the night her feet never touch the cold floor :) They are also fun to wear with shoes that show off your socks :) Have fun over the holiday and find that book on knitting socks!

  7. I love those socks, and your Santas are terrific!

  8. I enjoyed my visit to your wonderful blog. I had to go back to see a Simcha pic and read the funny story. Your projects look absolutely terrific. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.

  9. Thank you Julie! The Santas are by Mark Roberts (better known for his Christmas Fairies) wishing you a very happy Christmas :)

  10. Thank you so much for your visit and nice comment Anonymous! I'm glad you find my Simcha stories funny :)


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